I'm not with the conservative paradigm again; Breitbart's death did not leave me with the level of loss others did, nor do I want to go backing Rush for his latest foray into bad taste and poor political judgement. Advertisers are over-reacting, for a PG-13 Rush is nothing new; the Culture War button got pushed and good PC folks answered the call to abandon the good ship EIB.
Is there a double-standard? Not really.
If a liberal calls a conservative woman a slut, it is a generic insult, not a questioning of her sexual character; likewise, every guy who gets a anti-gay pejorative flung his way on a basketball court is set to be the next member of the Village People.
However, in this case, you had a woman who was in apparent need of birth control, which gets within hailing distance of earning the title, especially when Rush followed it up with a prurient request to watch her and her Obama-subsidized birth control in action. By that standard, Rush might get some fun watching my mom go through rehab with her Medicare-financed artificial knee; quite the party-starter, that one.
Also, you have a big talk-show host picking a fight with a previously-obscure liberal activist/law student, albeit one that became the poster girl for reproductive freedom for the left. Picking on Nancy Pelosi or another member of the congressional left would have been at Rush's weight class (pun not intended-he's trimmed down quite a bit since he got started).
Thus, Rush has a bit of a dressing-down coming. Not that it's the first time nor will it be the last. There are plenty of advertisers willing to pick up where the bailers left off and any station dropping Rush will see someone down the dial grab him up quickly. There's a market for what he does; all the left can do is make its minions steer clear.
One fringe benefit- any flak Rush is getting is stuff that isn't going the way of Rick Santorum or Republicans in general on the religious liberty-versus-contraception donnybrook. It took Super Tuesday off the front page long enough for Santorum to do well today.
Yes, liberal pundits get away with far more toxic rhetoric towards conservatives, but their clientelle is more used to R-rated language coming from their side and might feel prudish if they call them on it. That doesn't make two wrongs right.
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