The Tigers finally got into first place by themselves, courtesy of a Andy Dirks slide that broke up a double-play; that allowed the winning run to score in last night's 5-4 win.
I'm reminded of a pennant race of old, where a double-play slide was crutial; in that one, Bill Madlock's dirty slide into Tony Ferndandez in 1987 in the middle of an epic Tiger-Blue Jay race. Fernandez was injured and unable to play the rest of the season.
However, last night's play was clean; even the Kansas City folks were on board with that, including manager Ned Yost
"You've got to credit Dirks for busting his tail to get down there and break that thing up," Yost said. "Absolutely the right play. It was hit hard enough (for the double play), but Dirks made the play. He made it happen. He got a great jump on the ball, went in aggressively and went in cleanly."
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