We're getting a new twist on bad winter storms; the Weather Channel is setting up a naming system like the one for tropical storms. The names are drawn from various mythoi, from Greek (Athena, Zeus) to Star Trek (Khan, Q; TWC doesn't acknowledge either root) to Masters of the Universe (I learned that Orko is from MotU and is also a Basque thunder god).
Even Yogi Bear (or a generic yoga practitioner, your choice) gets the honor of being on the inaugural list, although it would be a rather nasty winter that would have the global warming crowd on its heels (or switching gears to climate change as the issue) if we got to a Y-storm.
Unlike tropical storms, which has the National Weather Service as its namers, this new system is farmed out to the private sector. It will be interesting to see if Winter Storm Athena and Brutus are acknowledged broadly if and when they do come.
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