10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
I'm not sure if I have it to keep up my ol' EdJ daily, but I'm moved to get back to it. I haven't been "in the Word" nearly as much as I should and this is a good vehicle for that.
Anyways, over to the original Wise Guy from yesterday's Sunday School study.
Scientist take a whack at figuring out how God created the heavens and the earth, but struggle to see how it happened. One area that puzzles them is that the universe is spread out more than the apparent age of the universe would indicate, begging for a faster-than-light "expansion" in the early seconds of the universe in the Big Bang model. Evidence of that was in the news this spring, only to be reeled back in after complicating factors called the initial finding into question.
We have a God spot in our soul that the Universe itself tries to fit into for some more-secular folks. However, making sense of it is always going to come up somewhat short. God's given us a burden to figure things out, but a frustrating one. He knows that another level of complexity lies just around the corner when we think we've gotten to the bottom of things; serious scientists are batting around the idea of a 26-dimension universe in order to make sense of it all.
That's not to discount scientific research. Knowing more about God's creation beats knowing less about it. It also gives us a vehicle to look at things that are wonderful and full of wonder; if you're not moved by some of those Hubble telescope shots, something's wrong.
However, scientists (especially biologists) are too quick to discount the idea that there is a Creator behind it all, preferring to posit a multiplicity of universes to explain the long-shot of evolution getting us to US.
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