I haven't been writing as much, partly because I feel very much an odd duck. In politics, I'm conservative, but not quite Tea Party level. I can relate to the folks who want to run the establishment types out of town, but I can also relate to a somewhat more realpolitik approach that notes that at the end of the day, the government still needs to function.
In theology, I don't have a convenient home, either. I'm a conservative there as well, but I'm not a strong Reformed guy, being open to and old-earth approach to Genesis and don't quite see the word egalitarian as a cuss word. I also am not sure how much of a leash God gives us on the free will front, desiring some middle ground between a God who micromanages every detail and an Open Theism deity who gets overtaken by events.
I also find a lot of the theological nit-picking rather unuseful. It has little to help me make my way through a strange world. It has little to instruct one in how to be humble without losing confidence in one's abilities or how to balance grace and truth in a world either short on both or ODing on one of them.
Texas politico Jim Hightower used to say that the only thing in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and dead armadillos. I'm not dead yet, but I've got my head on a swivel dodging oncoming traffic.
However, I don't think I'm the only one. I'm hoping to start addressing such things more often.
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