For years, a common dig at American Jews was that they supposedly had "dual loyalty" to both the US and Israel. The same dig was made of American Catholics in days of yore; JFK had to suffer through that. I recall the classic quip credited to Harry Truman, who said "It's not the Pope that bothers me, it's the pop" referring to shady-dealing Joe Kennedy.
Nowadays, conservatives like Israel and (at least pre-Francis) the Vatican . They'd prefer a devout Catholic to a lapsed one and a pro-Israel Jew to a BDS-backing one. It helps that the current Israeli government takes a hard line on Iran and jihadi terrorists, making them geopolitical allies.
These days, that trope is trotted out more on the left, where Israel is often seen as the last European colony abusing the Palestinian natives and trotting out Nazi and apartheid South African comparisons. For them, being pro-Israel makes one as a geopolitical neocon to be shunned.
Thus, we have the bizarre turn of the president turning that dual loyalty trope on its head yesterday.
"I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat -- I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," Trump said.
So, they're either dumb or double-dealing. Classic name-calling, making your foes either ignorant or evil. If they knew better and were good people, they'd agree with us.
I've seen more than one piece over the last year noting that Trump's minority-bashing hadn't extended to Jews...yet. Your classic right-wing redneck will be anti-non-white and anti-Jewish, but only the hard-core alt-righter will trot out anti-Semitic rhetoric given the conservative bias towards Israel. Trump's Jewish son-in-law and convert daughter seemingly helped prune some of that out of The Donald if it was there to begin with.
It seems that Trump might have reverted to form on this one, that old traditional antisemitism might have bubbled to the surface; growing up in NYC, he could well have been exposed to those tropes as the gentiles around him let their inner Archie Bunkers out. Either that, or it might be that bashing liberal Jews as part of his domestic Axis of Evil (Reformed Jews as the henchmen of The Squad?) was coolly calculated; beating up on liberal Jews is a common parlor game on the right.
The downside is that it gives ammunition to liberals who will look at the philosemitism of the modern right as a smokescreen for the "real" anti-Jewish core, that Israel is only useful for either attacking Muslims or expediting the Second Coming.
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